How Do Gravity Water Purifiers Work?


Water purification is slowly becoming really important with growing cases of water borne diseases due to pollutants and pathogens found in water. There are many ways of purifying the water that comes to our homes. We can use purifiers that use RO technology, UV technology, UF technology or a combination of all these technologies. Gravity water purifiers are non-electric purifiers that use UF technology to purify water. Here is how gravity water purifiers work:

  1. Pre-Carbon Filtration:

A gravity water purifier is considered the best water purifier for home as it uses inexpensive ways to purify your water. Before water is subjected to purification, the supplied water is passed through an activated pre-carbon filter. This activated pre-carbon filter is responsible for removing pollutants like chlorine. Chlorine is used by municipal corporations to rid the water of waterborne pollutants, but even chlorine is dangerous to health. Carbon filter is responsible for removing chlorine as well as any kind of odour or bad taste from water. Carbon filter is also responsible for removing any kind of other chemical-based impurities. This way, the water is safe to drink and free from any kind of bad taste as well.

  1. UF Membrane Filtration:

After pre-carbon filtration, the water is subjected to UF membrane. UF membrane is a porous hollow fibre membrane that has a capillary size of 0.01 microns. As the pore size is just 0.01 microns, no waterborne disease-causing bacteria and viruses can pass through it. Therefore, the UF membrane removes all colloidal materials as well as any kind of organic or inorganic polymeric molecules from the drinking water. This makes your water pure and safe to drink. Remember that these filters don’t last forever and need to be replaced once every twelve months. If they aren’t replaced, they won’t purify your water that well.

  1. Other Filters:

Before water is subjected to pre-carbon and UF filter, some gravity-based purifiers also have a sediment filter through which water passes first. The sediment filter has a pore size of 5 microns. Therefore, all the physically visible impurities are removed using this filter. Even this filter needs to be replaced once every twelve months as the pores get blocked. If water isn’t subjected to a sediment filter, it could damage the UF and pre-carbon filter and completely ruin the purifier.

  1. Non-Electric Function:

As you can see, these are just filters through which water is passed. Therefore, no electricity is required to purify water. Electricity is required in other purifiers like UV and RO to keep them running. This saves a ton of electricity and also ensures shock-free usage. You get to have clean and healthy water even when there is an electricity shortage. This makes gravity-based purifiers the perfect choice for households that have frequent electricity shortages.

  1. Suitable for Low TDS Water:

As gravity-based purifiers don’t have an RO purification technology setup, they aren’t able to remove excess dissolved solids from water. Therefore, they are effective in places where the water supply is already free from excess dissolved solids. They are most effective when the only impurities in water are waterborne viruses and bacteria.

The portable nature of gravity-based purifiers has made them a really popular choice of purifiers among households. They are inexpensive, chemical-free and non-electrical appliances that work perfectly anywhere. Be it a jungle safari, a trip or just your normal house’s kitchen, you can rely on gravity-based water purifiers to give you 100{9764c25790e696038be858c096eef3db01830ea70a524413bcdef015c6691f12} pure water using gravity and filtration.

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