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Category: Health News

Finding the Best Surgeon for Your Shoulder

Finding the Best Surgeon for Your Shoulder

According to Ortho Info, in the United States, there were about 7.5 million Americans who had to go see a doctor for a shoulder injury. Any shoulder injuries are usually caused by athletic activities that include repetitive motion and or overhead motion. some of the injuries can be caused by swimming, tennis, weightlifting and or pitching. It is critical to be very careful with your shoulder since it is a very sensitive muscle. You can also injure your shoulder from everyday use like hanging curtains, gardening and or cleaning. Many people who experience injuries in the shoulder tend to ignore the pain and try to get to the day by continuing to use their shoulder. The problem is that when they ignore the pain and they continue to feel pain they are causing more damage. Sometimes the damage can be so severe that they will need surgery. If you … Read more

You Feel as Good as You Look – The Direct Correlation Revealed

You Feel as Good as You Look – The Direct Correlation Revealed

For many years, people believed that it was a wives’ tale when someone told them you only look as good as you feel or the reverse, you only feel as good as you look. In recent years, growing numbers of psychologists are definitively stating that there is a correlation between looking good and feeling good. Furthermore, when you feel good, you have a sense of empowerment.

If you have been feeling depressed or withdrawn from friends and family, could it be that you are worried about your physical appearance? Maybe you’ve put on a few extra pounds or there is some other physical characteristic you wish you could change. If so, let’s look at ways to help you feel and look your best.

The Truth Is – Some People Do Judge a Book by Its Cover

Although we would like to think that the people we meet don’t judge … Read more