Breast Abscess

understanding of breast abscesses
Breast abscesses are characterized by pus-filled sacs (pus) in the breast tissue. In general, breast abscesses are caused by inflammation of breast tissue that does not react to antibiotic treatment. However, this condition can also appear as a major symptom of infection in the breast.
signs and symptoms of breast abscess
Symptoms of breast abscess, including:
- A painful lump in the breast
- Lumps stand out and feel under the skin
- The skin around the lump looks red
- Fistulas (channels) can form from the abscess bag to the skin, where the discharge is pus
- If the abscess is close to the nipple, the nipple can be pulled inside
- Fever and feverish body.
Breast abscesses can arise as a complication of breast inflammation (mastitis) caused by a bacterial infection. The appearance of mastitis can be related to breastfeeding (lactation) or not.
Breast abscesses in women who are not breastfeeding, most often occur in obese patients and smokers. Other causes of this condition include injury to the breast, nipple injury, diabetes, nipple piercing and breast implant surgery.
Breast abscess diagnosis
The doctor will first conduct an interview with the patient and a physical examination, to check for lumps in the breast. An additional examination needed is breast ultrasound, which is done to determine the size and contents of the abscess.
In cases of severe or recurrent infections, MRI examination may be needed. Sometimes it takes a laboratory examination of the pus collected to look for germs that cause infection.
how to treat breast abss
Pus in the abscess must be removed, either by aspirated (sucked) using a syringe, or through surgical procedures. If surgery is performed, a drain hose will be installed so that the pus can be removed completely. Breast abscesses can also be treated with antibiotics.
If you are breastfeeding, consult with your doctor / lactation counselor about how to make the breastfeeding process not stop.
how to prevent breast abscesses
If you are breastfeeding, do the following:
- Make sure the baby’s attachment when breastfeeding is correct. Visit a lactation counselor if you are unsure
- Avoid using underwear that is too tight
- Make sure both breasts are empty each time the baby feeds
- Keep the breast area clean
- Apply breast milk to the nipple after breastfeeding.
If you are not breastfeeding:
- Keep the breast area clean
- Avoid using underwear that is too tight
- If there is an inflammatory reaction in the breast, in the form of redness, pain, swelling, consult a doctor immediately and seek treatment thoroughly, so that complications do not occur abscess.
when to consult a doctor
Consult a doctor immediately if:
- Arises inflammation in the breast, which is characterized by breast pain, swelling, redness, and fever
- A painful lump in the breast appears
- Pus comes out of the nipple
- Fever and symptoms that do not go away after 2-3 days of treatment.
what needs to be prepared before consulting a doctor
Before consulting a doctor, prepare a list of symptoms that are experienced, information about the
initial occurrence of a lump, drugs consumed, and questions to ask, such as:
- What checks should I undergo?
- What should be done? Aspiration or surgery?
- Will I be sedated locally or publicly?
- How long will I be hospitalized?
- How to treat the wound after an abscess drainage?
- Can I still breastfeed immediately?
- What if I still want to breastfeed?
what the doctor will do during the consultation
During a consultation, the doctor may ask the following questions:
- How did the lump start?
- When did the bump first appear?
- Is there a history of previous inflammation of the breast?
- Is there a history of injuries in the breast area before?
- Are you breastfeeding?
- What are your breastfeeding habits?
- What medicines have you taken beforehand?