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Month: April 2020

Breast Abscess

Breast Abscess

What is breast abscess I Dr.Pankaj Parekh | Dr. Priti gangan ...

understanding of breast abscesses

Breast abscesses are characterized by pus-filled sacs (pus) in the breast tissue. In general, breast abscesses are caused by inflammation of breast tissue that does not react to antibiotic treatment. However, this condition can also appear as a major symptom of infection in the breast.

signs and symptoms of breast abscess

Symptoms of breast abscess, including:

  • A painful lump in the breast
  • Lumps stand out and feel under the skin
  • The skin around the lump looks red
  • Fistulas (channels) can form from the abscess bag to the skin, where the discharge is pus
  • If the abscess is close to the nipple, the nipple can be pulled inside
  • Fever and feverish body.

Breast abscesses can arise as a complication of breast inflammation (mastitis) caused by a bacterial infection. The appearance of mastitis can be related to breastfeeding (lactation) or not.

Breast abscesses in women who are not … Read more

Best Cold Press Juicers in 2020

Best Cold Press Juicers in 2020

So, New Year’s Resolutions have been made. Many are wanting to have more fruits and vegetables in their diets. Also, many are desiring fruits and vegetables to be the main focus and overall goal of better health. One way to meet the overall goal and increase the intake of fruits and vegetables is to have them in the form of juice. Think, healthy freshly squeezed juice from fruits and vegetables. Yeah, that’s the answer. Now, the next step is to get the best juice presser. It is best to start doing research. It is easy to cruise and browse the internet for the top juicers. So, why not start there?

Itchy Thighs: Most Common Causes and Treatment Options

In 2020 buying a juicer can be overwhelming with all of the advanced technology and variety of choices. This provides a lot of options. However, with the variety and options come many challenges. The main challenge being which presser is … Read more