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Month: December 2017

You Feel as Good as You Look – The Direct Correlation Revealed

You Feel as Good as You Look – The Direct Correlation Revealed

For many years, people believed that it was a wives’ tale when someone told them you only look as good as you feel or the reverse, you only feel as good as you look. In recent years, growing numbers of psychologists are definitively stating that there is a correlation between looking good and feeling good. Furthermore, when you feel good, you have a sense of empowerment.

If you have been feeling depressed or withdrawn from friends and family, could it be that you are worried about your physical appearance? Maybe you’ve put on a few extra pounds or there is some other physical characteristic you wish you could change. If so, let’s look at ways to help you feel and look your best.

The Truth Is – Some People Do Judge a Book by Its Cover

Although we would like to think that the people we meet don’t judge … Read more

Four Tips on Preventing Wrinkles and Sagging Skin

Four Tips on Preventing Wrinkles and Sagging Skin

Wrinkles are something that occur naturally as we get older, however, some people have more than others, whilst some individuals notice that wrinkles begin to develop on their skin earlier. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen, which is the substance that makes our skin elastic and smooth. Less collagen production results in skin that is more sagged with increased wrinkles. However, the good news is that there are several things that you can do to slow this process down and keep your wrinkles down to a minimum. These include:

#1. Use a Good Anti-Aging Cream:

Anti-aging creams are available that help to reduce the production of wrinkles when applied to your skin on a regular basis. When looking for an anti-aging cream, opt for a formula that includes vitamins, antioxidants, and other natural ingredients to improve the health and appearance of your skin. Bear in mind that anti-aging … Read more

Healthy Living 101: Strategies That Promote Holistic Wellness

Healthy Living 101: Strategies That Promote Holistic Wellness


Getting healthy is not hard. All it takes is maintaining an organized approach to the wellness optimization process. If you’re ready to get on the road to wellness now, be sure to try implementing some or all of the following health tips:

  1. Develop A Meditation Practice.

One of the best ways to cultivate a lifestyle of holistic wholeness is by developing a meditation practice. This technique will empower you to think more clearly and creatively. Another wonderful benefit of meditation is that it functions as an effective stress buster. Note that meditation is also linked to higher quality sleep, more self-awareness, and the cultivation of more empathetic attitudes towards others.

If you’re ready to start meditating, be sure to implement strategies that are known to optimize success. One is meditating upon rising and right before you go to bed. Developing this pattern makes it easy to become consistent in … Read more

How Do Gravity Water Purifiers Work?

How Do Gravity Water Purifiers Work?


Water purification is slowly becoming really important with growing cases of water borne diseases due to pollutants and pathogens found in water. There are many ways of purifying the water that comes to our homes. We can use purifiers that use RO technology, UV technology, UF technology or a combination of all these technologies. Gravity water purifiers are non-electric purifiers that use UF technology to purify water. Here is how gravity water purifiers work:

  1. Pre-Carbon Filtration:

A gravity water purifier is considered the best water purifier for home as it uses inexpensive ways to purify your water. Before water is subjected to purification, the supplied water is passed through an activated pre-carbon filter. This activated pre-carbon filter is responsible for removing pollutants like chlorine. Chlorine is used by municipal corporations to rid the water of waterborne pollutants, but even chlorine is dangerous to health. Carbon filter is responsible for removing … Read more